My KYHOI is not merely a KYHOI, it’s a story of how the Egyptian Revolution came about in Egypt through Facebook, Twitter, and many other social networks (blogging, vlogging, etc…). Everywhere I looked on the internet, I could not find exactly what I wanted, which was what I was trying to create. In other words, I could not find an exact history or timeline of the events that led up to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. So there is where my KYHOI surfaced. I figured since no one had a good history of the events lined up that I would do it myself. In my first draft, I started the video with facts about Egypt’s history during the late 1800s and early-to-mid 1900s. Unfortunately it made the video seem really slow and uninteresting. So in my final draft, I wanted to emphasize that Egypt has had problems here and there (and what country hasn’t) but I didn’t go into really specific details. My KYHOI enters with a picture of Khaled Mohamed Said. Basically, I feel that his death is what sparked the Revolution to happen. I was told that this was a bold statement, but I feel that it is true. The reason being that Google marketing manager Wael Ghonim saw and heard about what happened to Said, and he created a Facebook page. The page as over 115,000 followers. This led to people becoming aware of what Egypt’s corrupt government/leader was doing to its people. The Egyptians started blogging, vlogging, writing to people, discussing it in chat rooms, getting together in public and having conferences. So although I am not saying that the revolution HAPPENED because of Said’s death (it was going to happen eventually, as soon as people opened their eyes), I am saying that it’s what caused the spark in Wael Ghonim’s heart that made him tell the world about how bad his country had gotten. Also, as I’ve been making my video, I realized that it comes with an emotional sentiment that will really touch people’s hearts as they watch it. The music and sequencing lines up perfectly, I feel.
Mona el-Shazly- Interviewer (Wael Ghonim)
Wael Ghonim
Mohamed El-Bendary- "The Egyptian Press and Coverage of Local and International Events"
Oliver Schlumberger- "Debating Arab Authoritarianism
Mike Giglio- Newsweek Article: "Inside Egypt's Facebook Revolt"
Hossam el-Hamalawy: "Egypt's Revolution has been 10 Years in the Making"
Geoffrey Blainey- "A Short History of the 20th Century"